Monday, February 28, 2011

work places highlighted

Just in case you were wondering what we do here in Cache Valley. Lee's work was highlighted by the Herald Journal last Sunday and mine was highlighted yesterday. Here are some links. Happy learning!!



Saturday, December 4, 2010

the great remodel of 2010

We decided that activities and school and work and holidays were just not enough fun so we have decided to do some redecorating in the house. What started with a little paint and maybe some new carpet has turned into lots of paint and lots of new carpet. Stay tuned, we'll give you some after pictures soon.

Monday, November 15, 2010

And the fun begins...again.

Been a couple of weeks so I thought I would give you all an update.

Kaitlyn: She finished her sophmore season of Marching Band. They made finals at regionals, which is a BIG deal. They ulitmately took ninth. We thought she might have a break but Winterguard starts tomorrow with auditions for positions. So, she now starts two practices as week. Somewhere in there we are hoping she can keep up with homework. I know she will, she has her best grades ever so far this year! Watch out though, she starts driver's ed in two weeks.

Wells: Has been working on his Eagle project/paperwork. He has one last thing to do and then will be scheduling his Board of Review and Court of Honor. We are so excited to finally have this wonderful goal finished!! He has also started playing club volleyball. They practice twice a week (alternate days from Kaitlyn's practice) and will start competitions in January. It is fun to see him jump and spike. They can't wait to start using his height to their advantage.

Marlene: Is busy traveling and trying to keep up with the kids. She just decided to do some major remodeling during the Christmas break. Stay tuned for before/after pictures. If it works out as well as it does in my head, the transformation will be amazing.

Lee: is super busy at work. They are still growing a lot of algae trying to figure out how to save the planet. Isn't that an awesome thing to do every day? We think so. He's just busy trying to keep track of the rest of us, sometimes it is an impossible task.

Tell us how you are all doing!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

busy always

Good day everyone. I thought I would hurry and catch you up on the lives and times of the Cache Valley Martineaus. Kaitlyn has five competitions left. They have a super fun show. I'm trying to get a video of it so you can all see it. It is fun to watch. They are having a great time performing it and are keeping busy with practices.

Wells is busy with MESA and AMRS. He is also thinking of starting club volleyball. The best news is that he is down to signatures and a board of review to finish up his Eagle!! Wahoo!!

Marlene is busy with work and traveling. She is making a travel blanket of all the places she has gone this year and will share a picture when it is done.

Lee is looking forward to another birthday. :) Not really, but he's enjoying work. He got to play with a new algae this week that produces 40-50% oil instead of 5-10% oil. That was very exciting.

That's it for now! We are super busy but when it comes time to putting it all down on paper, we sound kinda  boring.

Hope to hear from some of you soon!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

and here comes trouble!

This week is super busy for Kaitlyn. It's HOMECOMING!! She has five performances and one parade, in addition to helping me sew costumes and still go to school on a regular schedule. :) Everyone wish her luck!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

and the race is on..

It's been a few weeks so here is a quick recap to catch up...

Kaitlyn: Marching band takes up all her time. She practices four days a week. Here is her schedule for the next two weeks. Sept 17th: Parent Night, 21st Middle School presentations and Weber Review, 22nd Homecoming Parade, 24th Homecoming game and school preview, 25th Nebo Competition. Now that's how to kick off a season! After Homecoming their next parade will be in Washington DC!! They are so excited to go next summer. By the way, Kaitlyn has her driver's permit. Just thought you might like to know. :)

Wells: is busy with school and school and more school. He has joined the MESA club at school and is still looking for another something to do. He is also hoping to get his driver's license before his sister. Good luck buddy!!

Lee tried all summer and finally found the west edge of the Great Salt Lake. He is super busy at work trying to finesse a production protocol for biofuel and recently coauthored an article on the process. He loves working for EDL. It has been a great change for him.

Marlene is just running like crazy, literally. She finished her first 5K on Labor Day, will be running another on the 18th and is signing up for a duathlon on the 25th. In between there, she is loving work and still traveling.

Well, that's it for now! I hope you are enjoying our updates. We sure would love to hear from all of you!

Monday, August 30, 2010

it's a crazy day in the neighborhood

Well, more than a crazy day. It's been a crazy week. Here comes our update!

Kaitlyn: show season has officially begun and Kaitlyn is super busy. She is trying to finish one last electronic class before the band starts traveling to all their competitions. She will have to work at it but it is possible. She gets to practice four days a week for 2-3 hours each day. Squeeze YW and homework and friends in there and she doesn't have much time for anything else. But that's the way we like it, too busy to get into trouble. Well, one piece of trouble, she gets braces this week.

Wells: The youth climbing team doesn't have enough takers right now so Wells is not climbing this fall. He is planning to join a couple of clubs at school to do something fun. The club meetings start this week so weill see what happens there. He is making huge progress on the classes he does at home and so far is able to balance both school and home classes. I keep pushing him to go faster, he keeps pushing to go slower, and we somehow manage to meet in the middle and get things done pretty well. He has 1.5 classes to finish and then gets to take a break for a little bit. The length of the break depends on how fast he works! Sometimes that motivates him.

Lee: super busy growing algae and trying to figure out if we will soon be driving cars with algae-produced fuel. He was helping a friend move last week and came across a 1947 Farnsworth radio and, yup you guessed it, brought it home! It is kinda fun to have in the house. He tuned it to an oldies station so we listen to antique music on an antique radio.

Marlene: was away from home more than she was home in July and August. She is still running (will be doing her first official 5K on Labor Day) and riding (looking for another supported ride before the cold weather really hits). Three weeks at home has done wonders for her diet and she is down 7 pounds so far. She's hoping to lose another bunch before she starts traveling again.

Well, that is about it for us! We are just running and running and hoping to catch up some day. The biggest problem we have is that we are not sure what we are trying to catch!!

Hope to hear from you all soon.